When energy analysts and investors couldn’t figure out oil markets this year, they blamed one group: algorithmic traders.
Oil Up? Oil Down? Blame the Algorithms – (WSJ)
Now, the software giant has announced the launch of three new Watson-powered regtech solutions for financial institutions (FIs). Watson was trained by IBM subsidiary Promontory’s risk management and compliance experts to understand and interpret regulatory language. All three solutions are now available on the IBM Cloud.
IBM is set to emerge as a key regtech player – (Business Insider)
Bobby Schwartz, Managing Partner at RCM Alternatives says, “Adding the expertise of Mr. Anderson and Mr. Chlada to our already skilled team will expand the opportunities for our professional clients through our suite of ever improving tools and relationships, while continuing to leverage Wedbush’s many capabilities.”
Wedbush Securities Futures Division Announces Collaboration with RCM Alternatives – (Wedbush)
Worry when volatility, or predicted volatility, is high.
Get Your Volatility Signals Right – (Bloomberg)
“Trades from mobile tend to be more futures-based,” Jones said. “More people are gravitating towards derivatives like options and futures.”
“When you have your phone on you, you’re available to look at the markets 24/7, but the markets aren’t open 24/7,” Jones said. “Futures give millennials or any investor the opportunity to participate in the market 24/7.”
Millennials are flocking towards some of the most speculative ways to invest – (Business Insider)
Catalyst engaged RCM Risk Advisors LLC to help develop and analyze risk parameters for the 25 different mutual funds it currently offers.
Catalyst Funds Names New Chief Risk Officer and Chief Operating Officer, Expands Risk Team – (PRweb)
The number of trading houses has dwindled, and the institutional, pure-play commodity hedge funds that remain are few.
Why Commodity Traders Are Fleeing the Business – (Bloomberg)
Such a move is bound to increase the costs of mortgages, home equity lines of credit and other loans linked to the big bank prime rates.
Bank of Canada raises interest rate for first time in 7 years to 0.75% — (Financial Post)
Still, investors in trend-following funds can take comfort by looking out over a long horizon.
Quant Funds That Chase Trends Are This Year’s Biggest Losers – (Bloomberg)