Adam’s story is the near quintessential example of my belief that every investor’s approach is colored by their experience.
The Ultimate Gift — (Think New Found)
Automated trading in energy-related contracts for the first time accounted for more than half of futures volume from late 2014 to late 2016, compared with more than 80% in foreign exchange futures and more than 70% in equities, according to data analysis from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
Oil Hedge Funds Struggle in Age of Algos – (Wall Street Journal)
The infrastructure demands are there for MLPs, there’s a huge demand, and because the infrastructure is getting tight, the margin on building these pipelines are high. If you build a pipeline, it’s going to be filled up right away. You can charge what you want relatively speaking.
Mastering MLP Madness — (RCM’s Attain Alternatives Blog)
The 350,000-barrel-a-day facility, one of the biggest of its kind in the world, is going to be out of commission until the end of July, the company said.
Oil-Sands Outage Upends Global Oil Market, Overshadowing OPEC – (Bloomberg)
OneMarketData, LLC, the creators of OneTick, the leading solution for event stream processing and tick data management, today announced that RCM-X has gone live with their OneTick Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA) service.
RCM-X Implements OneTick TCA – (FINextra)
U.S. crude prices surged $2.45 a barrel on Tuesday after the State Department said it is telling companies that buy Iranian crude oil that they must completely cut those exports by Nov. 4, or they will face powerful U.S. sanctions.
US crude surges 3.2% on supply concerns, settling at $72.76, best closing price since Nov 2014 – (CNBC)
We’re talking to many people and many companies in the U.S.” Within 8 years, he added, the company plans to go “from 4.8 million barrels of oil equivalent a day to 6.5 million.
World’s LNG Giant Is Pumping $20 Billion Into U.S. Oil, Gas – (Bloomberg)
“The ghosts of 2000 are upon us,”
Hedge Fund Managers See Echo of Past Crashes in Markets – (Bloomberg)