In this episode, we shed some light on one of the largest groups you’ve maybe never heard of, whose new “mission” is to seek out incredible trading talent and blend them together in a multi-PM Global Macro approach. We get into just how this all works, and more, in our chat with Markian Zyga, Portfolio […]
Category: Market Strategies

Convex (CONVX) to the Core with Certeza’s Brett Nelson
In this episode, we sit down again with one of the OGs of VIX futures trading & options, Brett Nelson, CEO of Certeza Asset Management, and discuss their new mutual fund — Convex Core and how it relates to their Macro Vega hedge fund strategy. Join us to hear how the mutual fund aims to […]

Reimagining Risk and Reinsurance (& Cat Bonds) with Chris McKeown of Vantage Risk
We’re looking into the far reaches of the search for yield in this episode, diving into investors’ interest in so-called Cat Bonds, or catastrophe bonds, and the world of reinsurance and ILS (insurance-linked securities). Yes, even the biggest risk-takers need backing – and we’re talking Reinsurance with Chris McKeown, Chief Executive of Reinsurance, ILS, and […]

Blissfully Buying BB Bonds with Greg Obenshain of Verdad Capital
In this episode, we’re stepping away from our ordinary world of futures and options to find out why boring old corporate bonds aren’t all that boring after all. Join our conversation with Greg Obenshain, Partner and Director of Credit at Verdad Advisers, as he and Jeff discuss just what running a high yield bond investments […]

Researching the Risks of Return Stacking with Corey Hoffstein & Rodrigo Gordillo
Jeff is “stacking” two guests in this episode, welcoming 1. Corey Hoffstein, CIO and co-founder of Newfound Research, host of Flirting with Models Podcast, and co-conspirator on the Pirates of Finance YouTube channel; and 2. Rodrigo Gordillo, President and Portfolio Manager of Resolve Asset Management and host of the Resolve Riffs Friday live stream. They’re […]

What is Return Stacking?
A new paper by Rodrigo Gordillo and Adam Butler of Resolve Asset Management and Corey Hoffstein of Newfound Research is out this week, purporting to add a new term to the investing lexicon – “Return Stacking.” What? What is return stacking, and what are stacked returns? Well, you can download the full paper here […]

Options to Trend Following, and Back Again with Scot Billington of Covenant Cap.
We jump back into some VIX and Volatility discussion with this week’s episode but also get to talk about trend following’s rise and fall (and rise again?) over the past decade. We’ve got Scot Billington, the co-founder and managing partner of Covenant Capital Mgmt., talking through his unique journey from futures broker to floor trader […]

The Cockroach Fund, Congratulations, and Collaboration
While there are articles about 12-year-olds making millions minting NFTs these days – it’s good to know there may still be a place for good old-fashioned hard work. Enter Jason Buck and Taylor Pearson of Mutiny Funds (, who successfully launched their newest venture – the Cockroach Fund. Running an asset management firm is no […]

Charting a Chinese Commodities Course with Fred Schutzman of Abingdon Global
What do you do when trends stop appearing for the quarter of a billion dollars you manage? Where do you go to find markets like the ‘good old days’ for trend following? Our guest for this episode, Abingdon Global’s Fred Schutzman is in a unique position to answer those questions – and much more! Listen […]

BITFD & Wake the F Up with Ben Hunt of Epsilon Theory
Over 100,000 investors in 180 countries listen to Ben Hunt, founder of Second Foundation Partners and the Epsilon Theory blog, debunk the latest narrative machines in each of his opus-like post. So with Covid cases climbing and inflation expectations rising, it seemed like as good a time as ever to bring Ben back on the […]