Category: Other Voices

27 Sep 2017

Alternative Links: Impact of Managed Futures

Therefore, when it comes to deciding which, if any, CTA to add to a portfolio, there is no single question to ask. There is no simple approach, and it usually involves a combination of factors. Some investors focus entirely on the quantitative aspects of the CTA and these cannot be ignored.

23 Aug 2017

Alternative Links: Low or No Fee Alternatives

“The hedge fund industry has been under pressure to offer lower fee alternatives for some time,” said Sol Waksman, founder of BarclayHedge, in the statement. “We expect that these pressures will continue and that low or no fee products will continue to grow.”

04 Aug 2017

Weekend Reads: The Dark Web

Tracking companies on the dark web also works well for investigations into pharmaceutical businesses, he said, adding his team would find “massive, thriving markets” for counterfeit goods in possible target companies. “We’ll then warn the hedge fund there’s no point in buying this brand as there has been an erosion of value.” Hedge funds turn […]

26 Jul 2017

Alternative Links: Evolution

Vision is Aon Hewitt’s second version of the platform, which previously targeted large “buy-rated” managers and looked to service Aon Hewitt’s existing larger-pension clientele. Aon Hewitt adds 17 CTAs to MAP – (CTA Intelligence)   Competition for institutional investor assets is fierce in the managed futures market — widely accepted as the most commoditized in […]

21 Jul 2017

Weekend Reads: Is Artificial Intelligence Biased?

Today’s infographic from explains the major differences between NYSE and the Nasdaq What is the Difference Between the NYSE and Nasdaq? – (Visual Capitalist)   How it works: The client buys a private-placement life-insurance policy. The insurance company invests in alternative assets such as hedge funds. Profits, if any, would ordinarily be taxed as capital gains, […]

12 Jul 2017

Alternative Links: Regtech

Now, the software giant has announced the launch of three new Watson-powered regtech solutions for financial institutions (FIs). Watson was trained by IBM subsidiary Promontory’s risk management and compliance experts to understand and interpret regulatory language. All three solutions are now available on the IBM Cloud.
