Category: Trend Following and Systematic Strategies

24 Jan 2019

On Nat Gas, Hedge Fund Blowouts, and Risk Algorithms

Well, that was quick. We were hailing natural gas futures as the return of the widow maker just before Thanksgiving as it headed up close to $5 per MMBtu. But a few holidays later following MLK weekend, the natural gas news isn’t good – as we’re back down nearly $2 lower, representing a loss of […]

17 Jul 2017

Rise of the Robots: The Quant Revolution

What we find interesting isn’t classifying the money flows into quant strategies, but discussing what people are doing in the quant space overall; who and how algorithms are being built; where the lines blur with FinTech; and the lineup of players in the space. 

16 Nov 2010

Newsletter: Analyzing the Strategic ES/SP Trading System Drawdown

Our weekly newsletter is up at We cover the recent new max drawdown in the Strategic ES/SP trading system, analyzing whether the systems remains within historical risk parameters. (it is..) Of interest in the piece is a chart posted on Barry Ritholtz’s blog showing the American Association of Individual Investors survey, which tracks whether […]

30 Nov 2010

Managed Futures/Trading Systems Week in Review

We took the liberty of extending the Thanksgiving holiday through yesterday for our research team, resulting in no Monday newsletter this week. But we actually did do the week in review write up as if there were a newsletter, and are happy to share it with you here: Summary: With only two day’s remaining in […]

15 Nov 2011

Putting Trading System Filters to the Test

Nobody likes to lose… least of all us. Don’t get us wrong- we know that drawdowns are a part of the game when investing in a trading system, but that doesn’t mean we have to be content to stare those losses in the eye. As such, we’re constantly looking for ways to minimize losses and […]
